Looking for ways to get involved with the Global Museum?
Your support helps us conserve our collections, create new exhibitions and public programs, and reach new visitors.
Your financial contribution helps us fulfill our mission through all aspects of the museum. Would you like to support our K-12 field trips, public programs, collections preservation, mummy conservation, or new exhibits? Please let us know when you make your donation. We are grateful for your donation at any level.
Please note that at this time the Global Museum is unable to accept object donations as we work hard to care for our existing collections. Inquiries with established provenance may be considered on a limited basis if they complement the institution's collecting scope and are accompanied by a monetary gift to help fund their housing and care.
Volunteer opportunities
We welcome student volunteers from all majors to support gallery staffing, public programs, field trips, and collections projects. We are currently recruiting student volunteers for Engagement Specialists for Spring 2023. As an Engagement Specialist, you will be stationed in the gallery to interact with visitors during open hours, answering questions and sparking conversations. Prior experience is not required--all majors are welcome and we will provide in-gallery training.
To inquire about volunteering, please email globalmuseum@sfsu.edu.